Follow the path of the light to learn and prosper.
The light side of the Force is the way of the true Jedi. To follow it is to follow the path to enlightenment, and to remain at peace. Unlike the dark path, the light path is a long and difficult journey. It takes patience, and control. While the dark side is quick and destructive, the light side is life giving, and powerful. It is in no way weaker than the dark side, the Jedi simply needs to work harder for it, and therefore is more understanding and helpful.
...Jedi Streen
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no death, there is the Force.
This is the Jedi's code. And to use the Force, the Jedi must remain at harmony with it. To act in dissonance depletes one's power. The Force is created and sustained by life. The Jedi acts to preserve life. To kill is wrong. Yet it is often necessary to kill. The Jedi may kill in self defense or the defense of others. You may kill if, by doing so, life is preserved.
A Jedi never acts from hatred, anger, fear or aggression. A Jedi must act when calm, at peace with the Force. To act from anger is to court the Dark Side, to risk everything for which the Jedi stand.
For the Light Side, patience you need. Control. Peace and harmony it is that gives a Jedi the strength.
...Jedi Master Yoda and Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
"You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack."
...Jedi Master Yoda
Search your feelings, you know it to be true
"Search your feelings, you know it to be true."
The answers are there. We spend our lives day in and day out... asking... pleading... begging to know what our purpose is.
For some it leads to depression. We find that we have become lost, and that the world makes no sense anymore. This is a great tragedy, for we need not know where hell exists, because we have just experienced it.
Do not forget, my friend. For you see, you cannot. All that is needed is within you. You know the answers already. You know what your great purpose in life is. Now you must fulfill it. Heaven is where you now stand.
We wonder if we are alone in the universe. But we already know the answer.
We wonder if we are 'the chosen one'. But we already know the answer.
We wonder if someone is helping us. But we already know the answer.
We wonder about that which cannot be spoken of... the great mystery of the universe... the silence within you that you have felt all your life... but you already know the answer.
The answers do not lie in the great beyond. They are held in the hands of the greatest keeper: you. There is no great beyond. There is simply the great within.
You are not alone, my friend. You never have been, and you never will be. Your guiding light is there to show you what you've been pleading to know.
Stand my friends, and reach up to it.
Enter into a universe unknown.
Can you see yourself there?
Not long will it stay, and once again it will be born,
Taking another breath.
An explosion of joy and creation
And it begins again.
In the blink of the eye of Eternity,
Will you stop to look?
Shall you venture to its great reaches?
...Jedi Streen