Once Upon A Time...Once Upon Another...
The role of The Force is something mystical as well as recognizable. It has always exist, is existing, and always will exist. It is sometimes hard for us to understand and to grasp such, since we merely recognize ourselves going though stages that have a beginning, and an end. It is the way society taught us, and it is the way we taught ourselves throughout our lives.
Yet we must realize that the beginning is the same as the end...that you can see it as not always being a start and not always being a finish. It is, always have, and always will. It simply exist in a never-ending cycle, repeating itself over and over so that we can see relationships as to how things relate and connect to each other.
Think of a real number line as the life span of the force, and then think of it attached together as a circle. Infinity and beyond. We realize that time is a tool in which we create our own boundaries, yet we sence how things are established and re-established--that we find that a simple clock cannot be in play here. It loops around when the cycle is finished...and does it again.
I like to look at The Force as a precision device...a machine...and yes, even an energy or even a being...it really makes no difference. Like a computer, we input the data or the instruction, we processes this data and make information out of it...and then we output it, giving out the information. Same with a being...we put food into ourselves and consume it, inside our bodies the food is processed, and then we use that energy from the food and give it to other parts of the body. And as all energy cycles, this resource supply must be constant, or the cycle will end.
Life is that resource.
In other words, we depend on The Force, as our ally and strength, while the Force also depends on us, for believing in it and accepting it�s truth. We are it�s resource that keeps the cycle stabilized and constant.
Would The Force exist if life didn�t exist? And if life did not exist, would the Force be recognizable and believed?
It is exactly parallel to a question such as these:
A tree falls in the forest, and since no one is there, does it or doesn�t it make a sound? Is a sound only a sound unless someone IS THERE to hear it?
Just a intriguing thought for you.
...Jedi Relan Volkum