Greetings and Welcome to Jediscope, the first of the final three aspects of Jedi Lore. These final pieces, appeal to those of you who already have become Jedi, and wish to pass on what you have learned. In Jediscope, the stars tell you the meanings of events. Jediscope was created during the Sith War, by a light Jedi by the name of Po'shib Gair. Po'shib believed that the stars explained the change in a period, or the dawn of a new time. He predicted within days, of the resolution to the thousand years Sith war. He passed on his findings in numerous Jedi Holocrons, all but three were destroyed. Because of these holocrons, many Jedi believed that the stars would let them know of a change in the galaxy. The stars. They consist of an infinite amount of novas, planets, and systems. A change in these stars is believed to be a change in Eras or a change in paths. Obi-wan Kenobi, believed to be a Jediscope follower, knew of such changes. It is believed that when aboard the Millenium Falcon, Obi-wan felt a change in the stars. The story is told, that he felt a million voices cry out, and then stop. The destruction of the planet Alderaan by the death star is what he felt, but also a change in the stars. Kenobi knew then that the time of light was upon them, and the conflict would soon be over, as well as his life. A planet is no longer, therefore the stars come closer together. It is believed that time will end, when all of the stars join, making a forever period of light, followed by eternal darkness.
Jediscope gives feelings of the Force at certain times. The timing is believed to be random, but some Jedi have documented a certain pattern. It is believed that the Jediscope changes after fourteen days, and then every few. Less than five. Jediscope address the balance between the light and dark sides of the Force. Here is the most current scope
Mastery is learning of your own hypocrisy.