How does one know when to distant himself from his surroundings in order to understand it better? Where is the separation in the light and dark sides of the force? In looking at our environment, many times we fail to see many things, due to our own personal influence. A being may be regarded as a "friend", due to his kind nature to us, but not to others whom we know. How will we judge him when we hear of things that we are sure our "friend" could not do. It is said, if two people that do not know each other, say similar things about a person, it is true. IS this one of the instances that the majority would lose, because of personal feelings. The time is now to question…
The E in the Force is empathy-the ability to understand something, as if it were you. You must look deep within yourself in order to understand the feelings of another. Imagine that you were he, and he was you. How would you respond? Can you understand his pain, or do you just feel for him because he is your friend. There is a difference…follow me.
In looking at the Force, you know there are two parallel sides. The actions and emotions are the same in both, but the response separates the two. The light side of the Force does not teach you that there is no anger, it teaches you how to handle it. The dark side of the Force, says that anger is an event that should be acted upon. Both sides of the Force present a possible resolution to a problem, the path to the end is the difference. The dark side tells you to use the energy from anger to create a resolution. The light side tells you to use the energy from thought to create a resolution. One feeds off cognitive thought, the other an emotion.
In my journey to the dark side of the Force, the question of curiosity is what challenged me. The many trues that were passed to me through the novels and movies intrigued the other. I explored the light side of the Force, and found out there was more than "Beware of the dark side" and "keep your mind clear." The light side of the Force gives you the history of the inner knowledge that makes the Jedi so powerful. The saying "knowledge is power." is taken to the next level in the history of the Jedi. A Jedi Master is a "keeper of the records" so to speak, when it comes to a piece of the Force. Much has happened since the "Whills" was first written, and there is more femininity in the saga of the Force than just the 12 original Skywalker women. If you look back on your knowledge the connection will become clear.
The same must be said on the dark side of the Force. Anakin Skywalker has to be the most powerful Jedi ever, due to the fact that he survived both sides of the Force. AS a young Jedi, he was instructed inadequately, but his skills still developed. Remember, as you train to become a Jedi, you train to become a dark jedi as well. Anakin's journey to the dark side was complete not when he became Darth Vader, but when he destroyed his former teacher. It was his greatest conflict, since Ben played a large role in the transformation of Anakin to the next Lord of the Sith. This is why shortly after Ben's death, Anakin returns to his true side of the Force. Think about it…
In order to explore the dark side of the Force, you have to separate yourself from what you used to hold dear. Those who are close, can no longer be, as you look within to discover the power of emotion and feeling. Fear, hate, and anger, are just three tools of the dark side of the Force. When you combine emotions to create instruments of darkness such as revenge, deceit, and reflex, your quest of darkness will change. IF it becomes natural, meaning to the point that you react without hesitation, the darkness will engulf you. Then you must decide if you want it to… That is the separation.
However, you must remember this, if you journey to the dark side of the Force, you will feel like something is missing. An emptiness that can only be filled with one thing. Besides the "emptiness" challenge of confronting his former teacher, Darth Vader wished for the day that he could breath without the assistance of his mask. Remember his inner conversation in Shadows of the Empire, when he kept record of how long he could breath without the mask. One of these breathing sessions was also shown in Empire Strikes Back. The emptiness will continue until an answer is found. You must figure out what is the answer…