Jedi of the New Millennium was one of the earliest off-shoot schools from The Jedi Academy. The aim at JotNM was to allow the Jedi to teach one another. There was a staff that originally contained five members of various levels of development. This staff put together the first lessons of the JotNM training section and was reported to of thrived for some time.
Unfortunately one of the founders of JotNM left for personal reasons and the site was left in the care of other administrations...which did not bode well for it’s future development. As a result the membership divided first due to a lack of controls on the administration end and a desire to keep things going, but then they found their own growth and direction to flourish independent of the main JotNM efforts and was then renamed to “Temple of the Jedi Arts” in 2001 which made them separate from JotNM but still friends of their beginnings.
Administration changed hands a couple times. As did the sites appearance and facing but nothing stuck for too long and the memberships moved on to other places and projects.
Regardless of it’s administration trouble’s. JotNM produced a series of it’s own lesson’s for it’s membership’s study and use. An interesting note was the adaption of the “Calming Breath” seen earlier in the Kharis Nightflyers website as one of the very first real Jedi Lessons carried on into the future training systems.
First Branch off
The old forums are located here.
TotJA is a relatively new site, yet it has an interesting past. The story starts long ago with a Jedi named Walker, who created a site named Jedi of the New Millenium or JotNM. Jedi came to learn, train and discuss the jedi way and the site thrived for a long time. That was until its creator went on a spritual journy. A new headmaster was appointed, but trouble was afoot. The Jedi became restless, many argued about the lack of updates made to the site. Therefor I took it apon myself to construct new pages for the site, but with a new headmaster appointed, who was unreliable, the updates never took place, so I created a second site at a new location. This site was not to replace the original, but to take a step forward for the good of the site. With this JotNM's creator Walker, returned to revive the original site, now named JotNM-1. The problems between the sites and their owners and headmasters escelated. To solve the problem I changed this site to TotJA, and became independant of the original site. Along with the name, there was a new set of headmasters appointed as well as a new teaching manner. Since then this site has excelled and i am happy to be part of it, along with the Jedi here. You can find more of our recent history in the forums.
May the force be with you.
Second Branch Off
Welcome to the Jedi of the New Millennium
This site is dedicated to the advancement and living of the Jedi Path. As well as bringing awareness of this new way of life to the world. The Jedi of the New Millennium, or JotNM for short, has been around for several years now. Rivaling the Force Academy in its history.
Would you like to know more?
My name is Opie Macleod, I'll be your guide through the JotNM online. I have been apart of the JotNM's history a few times and it was one of the first sites that caught my attention and taught me of the online Jedi Community.
Would you like to know more?
The focus of the site is on awareness of the Jedi and to cut through all the misconceptions of the Jedi, both internal and external. The definition of the Jedi can be a touchy subject within the community and has had its share of debates over the years. This site brings you the definition agreed upon by several prodominate Jedi within the Community. It is one that best fits and offers the most insight.
Would you like to know more?
On the site you will find forums where you can read more on the Jedi, see its members interacting with one another, take part in discussions, and/or address any thoughts or questions you may have. Just follow the link on the left side of the page, marked forums.
You'll also find texts available for the curious or those wishing to self-study. This can be found in the Training Hall, also on that page you will find some fun little tests to take part in. So feel free to browse the site and see what we offer. For those that are Star Wars fans we do offer images and convention information. As well as a place to read and submit Fan-Ficition. Other creative works can be left on the forums for others to enjoy.
I hope you enjoy your stay and if you have any questions feel free to contact me, either on the forums or via the contact link to the left. Thank you for stopping by, take care..
Despite the website and forum’s inevitable end. The Founder of Jedi of the New Millennium went on to publish his own book in Feb 11, 2012 Titled “From Nerd To Knight”