What happens to a Jedi after death?
A Jedi, a TRUE Jedi, a force of good and a voice of quiet reason amidst storms.
A real Jedi, a positive influence for everybody, always eager to help, always eager
to learn and lend aid.
A simple Jedi, a person that can be relied upon with the tritest chit chat and the
heaviest burden with aplomb.
A dead Jedi. A Jedi whose physical form has perished but whose influence lives on.
There is nothing for the Jedi after he dies. He becomes one with the force.
In being nowhere, he becomes a strong memory and in loosing his flesh, he becomes
an influence more powerful than he was in life.
He loses his ability to be immediately with you for an instant to be able to be with
you for as long as you need him.
Of course, once again, the Jedi gets absolutely nothing for getting things was not
what he was in it for...