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Jedi's Vow: "I am Jedi in my heart, and I am Jedi in my mind, Jedi in my soul, Jedi in my spirit, and Jedi in all that I do. I choose the path of Jedi as a way and means to the Light, to illumination. inner peace, calmness and resolution of spirit, and my profound allegiance to the Light. I vow to uphold the sayings here, and hereby devote my life to the cause of Jedi, on this day and date, ______________, that I in turn may earn the right to be called a true Jedi Knight, and will defend and honor the Light for which I serve."
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Jediism Maxims: When Engaging in Conflict
1. Conquer the self and you will conquer the opponent.
2. The mind unmoved by external distraction produces physical mobility.
3. Mental bearing (calmness), not skill, is the sign of a matured Jedi, who is neither pompous nor arrogant
4. Conquering evil, not the opponent, is the essence of a Jedi victory.
5. An unpolished crystal does not shine; an undisciplined Jedi does not have brilliance. A Jedi should cultivate his mind.
Higher Commitment to a Higher Order
Order of Jedi Priests Commitment:
On this day and date, __________, I, __________ choose to follow the path of the Jedi Knights, to embrace it with all my heart, to serve it and uphold its tenets, that I myself may be counted among the faithful and true.
I recognize the Force as being the golden thread of Light that ties together the truths of every major religion, philosophy, and meditative path. My quest is for illumination, and my service is to the Light side of the Force, the good, of which the Light comprises and which I fully embrace, uphold, serve and defend.
My path is not for personal gain, but for the Collective Will of the Force, of which I am a part. The path of Jedi is not a path of egotism, but through surrender to the Light Side of the Force, I in turn become strong with it.
Balance of the Force does not include attempts to simultaneously serve good and evil. I renounce my allegiance to the Dark Side and the collective evil thereof. I obey the laws of the land. If I disagree with any of them, I can therefore choose to enact lawful means to change them through gaining public support and through legislation - never through violence or breaking laws "for the greater good." Harming others to support a mind set of this kind breaks the code of conduct, and is grounds for termination and banishment from our bands.
I will never use what I have learned through the Jediism to harm others. If I am forced to defend myself, I shall, yet I acknowledge that the way of the Force is to defend - NEVER to attack. Altercations and violent misuse of the Force that compromise the tenets of this code can be contested in conference with the High Council, but it will be the final decision of the High Council as to any formal reprimand and/or banishment. I will never use the skills and knowledge of the Light Side to later serve the darkness. This betrayal of confidence shall insure banishment and the stripping of any title, rank or recognition. It is the highest form of dishonor.
I recognize and accept that a true Jedi will always strive to exercise tolerance and discourage fanaticism. I accept that social bigotry is a form of fanaticism - fanaticism is born of fear, "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering." Although I do not necessarily condone or condemn other religions or diverse lifestyles, I do hereby renounce bigotry and fanaticism, which I recognize is based on hate. I abhor terrorism, hate crimes, the violation of women, murder, and robbery. I agree that murder is the highest crime. I choose to serve the Light - not the Darkness which promote such in the mind and heart of the perpetrators who do such heinous and cowardly acts.
The Ways of the Light Side of the Force are Light, compassion, honor, humility, courage, and loyalty to the cause of Light. I choose this path and serve it with all my heart, mind and soul. My allegiance is to the Light.
If recommended by the High Council, I will submit to a teacher which the Council endorses to learn of the Ways of the Force, to become a Jedi Knight and uphold the tenets of my organization.