- 'War is based on deception.' - Sun Tzu
- 'I did not defeat you. You defeated you.' - Baal Legato
Deception in sabre fighting:
Your concern in battle is not to trick your opponent, but to best them. There is no substitute for training and skill.
I have trained students that resorted to tricking their opponent when outmatched, using their weight or subtle Force pushes to try and tip the scales in their favor. On occasion they would win, even against great saber fighters, but that is the strategy of the weak and lazy. It is the path of the dark side of the Force.
When you are faced with an opponent, a challenge that is greater than you, relying on deception over skill will leave you no greater in the end. Rise to your challenge and your skill and confidence will grow until one day you'll find no opponent or challenge that is greater.
- Jedi Kedder