The Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4
Founder: Kharis Nightflyer
Year: December 5th 1995
Way Back Machine Link:: https://web.archive.org/web/19990420162214/http://home.ptd.net:80/~ralph/jedi.html
Kharis Nightflyer’s Jedi Academy was a website that was built in December of 1995, and is commonly marked as the first example of actual Jedi training found on the internet. Within this site laid the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4, which was the actual training section of the site. Most people never found the main page of the site, due to the way the search engines at the time tagged the page. It is for this reason that some remember the site under different names, but those that know of the site will never forget the name Kharis Nightflyer.
Kharis was a great fan of the Jedi Academy trilogy, and blended the information he got from it with the yogic practices he already knew, giving us the first steps into the Force. One great example was the nearly-universal “Calming Breath” technique that other instructors and teachers has used in their curriculum in the future.
Kharis Nightflyer was also the first site to teach the four-line Jedi Code, a fictional reference from the “Power Of The Jedi Sourcebook” but explained in his own words as a lesson for our more common, modern and realistic moral views.
Kharis Nightflyers lessons often were taken in part, or in whole, from the fiction.
Regardless of the chosen source Kharis and many of his students as well as those after continued to relate to the importance of the lessons hidden within.
Kharis was a “less is more” kind of teacher.
He often did not answer specific questions through email, but would reply with nothing more than a quote from the fictional movies and books he adored.
The online website itself was very crude and basic html, like may websites back then the use of fancy graphics and scripting was done code by code and was, at the time, a testament to the common Jedi that managed to put such sites together.
Lesson Index
Nature of the Force
Historic Locations Concerning the Jedi
(I did not bother to save these as they are pure fictional references, they can be found on the way back machine link.)
Old Republic Timeline
Jedi in the Old Republic
Kyp Durron's Tale
Jedi Training
Advanced Lessons
Gripping The Lightsaber (This was an added lesson Later in years.)