The most popular discussion forum for realistic Jedi ever created.
While restoring the original Jedi Academy back to its greatest appearance and influence, a strong attempt was made towards the explaining and retelling of its strongest impact - The Jedi Academy Discussion Forum.
Although their first bulk of visitors recognized a discussion board powered by's "BBS Message Forums", it wasn't until their board's transistion to Ezboard Inc., a new, fresh Internet company established in early 1999, which made discussion forums the forefront of what is now refered to as the Jedi Community.
The Jedi Academy's discussion board, from early 1999 to mid-2003, was and has been the most popular and influencial set of Jedi forums ever seen, reaching its peak mid-2002. We hope you take this opportunity to learn one of the most greatest advancements towards understanding the Jedi ways.
'The following is a presentation of factual, documented archives, staging the progress of The Jedi Academy's Discussion Forum. Keep in mind many topics and posts within these archives could not be saved.'
--Relan Volkum
The first archived layout of The Jedi Academy website. On its main page, it scrolled, "Welcome to the Academy. Always. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This is the starting place on your journey. Carry forth what you learn, use it wisely. Knowledge and defense are the noble arts of a Jedi. Hold your tongue and fist, beware the Dark Side...and the Force will be with you."
Late 1998
It a shame we don't have a record of The Jedi Academy's BBC Message Board, the board that literally helped make discussion areas like this one a common sight online. Although they had another board earlier in 1998, it was this board which set the standard.
This has been the most common layout for what has been known as The Jedi Academy Discusion Forum, powered by a new website, Ezboard. Although it may look very plain, please realize the layouts with black backgrounds were placed inside a simple frame located at this address: The Jedi Creed was also another known forum of Ezboard's in 1999.
For the first time since the Discussion Forum's existance on Ezboard, The Jedi Academy decides to bring vital changes, putting up catagories and additional forum selections. By this time, many Jedi websites, such as the Jedi Organization (now JEDI), the Jedi Praxeum, Jedi of the New Millennium, and other groups were exploiting the use of Ezboard's tools.
As Ezboard goes through an organzational transistion and moves various discussion forums to other servers, the Jedi Academy takes advantage of the situation and begins to take on a more matured format.
This was the highest point in the JA forum saga. The current faculty at this time - Deean Kett, Sahar, Danny Tam, Hellflower, and Alcander Caedmon - made a notable effort in updating the academy into a newer, fresher creation.
For the first time in over five years, the Jedi Academy's forums began to head towards a downward slope. An exaggeration of debate and fustration lead to key factions starting their own groups, such as Jedi Mythos and Jedi Academy West. The final nail in the coffin was the group's lack of ability to re-register the domain.
Hellflower and Sahar gives ownership responsiblity to Jil-Qun Tahm, who later decides to eliminate the Faculty altogether. The Jedi Academy later decided to delve further into role playing, calling themselves the "Forsaken Jedi." It never was the same again.
This site was forged in Valhalla. Achieve web immortality.
1999 The Jedi Academy.