There is an old saying: “Old dogs can learn new tricks.”
So. If the cute little four pawed furry creature you adore can do it. So can you! But what exactly does it mean to “Train” as a Jedi?
In all honesty. I don’t know. No one really knows what real, legit, credible Jedi Training is. We are all just sort of stringing our own ideas togethers, mixed in with opinionated experiences and mashed together as something worth learning. For some of you...that might be a complete turn off and you're already seeing yourself out the door. It's ok. I actually understand that feeling one hundred percent. But, if you can just stick around a bit longer...hear me out before saying Adu.
I have a question.
What is the most important thing to you? Your family? Your Job? Acing your next exam? Perfecting that cool hobby of yours?
Everyone has their own reason for doing what they do. Being a Jedi? Well...that’s just the icing on the cake. It’s what you proudly call yourself while struggling through reality. So in order to “Train as a Jedi.” all you really gotta do is be yourself… a little more.
Don’t think about what it takes to get through your job today….but rather, how you can be ahead of it tomorrow. And that exam? Well….what about the next one? And the one after that? And that cool hobby might be even cooler if you picked up a secondary one, don’t you think?
Here at Just Jedi, our Keystones state that “....Jedi aspire towards self mastery.” This is important because if you cannot even identify yourself and your goals….how can you go about “Serving others” and “Seeking Justice.” and all those other cool Jedi slogans that drew you to the name in the first place.
If you can approach the idea of “Training” with yourself in mind - id say you're already on the right path. Afterall…. What exactly is the point in being something you aren’t?
Now. Hit the breaks!! Hold up for a moment.
We are not saying that you shouldn’t try new things! Part of self mastery is the ability to discover new parts of what it means to be you. And it is with THAT in mind, that we here at Just Jedi hope to help encourage in your personal growth as a Jedi. Continuing onwards we will provide materials based on meditation, the force, keystones and the life principles we strive to live by. We hope to help encourage healthy actions that get you out and active in your community in a fun and educational way.
Journal Entry: What is the most important thing to you? Write about it!