Jedi Spirit
Aurora Borealis: Meditations... Focus
Aurora Borealis: Meditations - Breathing
Aurora Borealis: Meditations - The Beast
Spark Vallen: Conscious Breathing
Spark Vallen: Creative Meditation
Spark Vallen: Empath Exercise
Spark Vallen: Walking Meditation
Spark Vallen: ZaZen
Kharis Nightflyer: Calming Breath Technique
Kharis Nightflyer: Jedi Meditation Basic Technique
Mitth'raw'nurida: Using Your Abilities
Streen: Using The Force - Balance
Aurora: My Experiences Seeing Aura's
Luna Rising: Color of Healing Meditation
Luna Rising: Inner Light Meditation
Luna Rising: Light Body Relaxation Technique
Luna Rising: Mindfulness Meditation
Luna Rising: Relaxation Meditation
Jedi Knight G: Jedi Powers
Jedi Knight G: On Empathy
Jedi Knight G: Meditation G1
Jedi Knight G: Meditation G2
Rin-Xia Aran: Fire Meditation
Teal'c Nyal: Empty Mind Meditation
Kiae-Quon dei': Entering a Meditative State
Jediism.org: Meditations
Bible: King James Version (eng)
Bible: King James Version (Span)
Book of Five Rings - By Miyamoto, Musashi
Tao Te Ching - By Lao Tzu
Tao of Pooh - By Benjamin Hoff
Power of Myth - Joseph Campbell
Fiction Inspired (And no less important)
Community Inspired
Kharis Nightflyer: The Jedi Code
Kharis Nightflyer: A Jedi's First Battle
Aurora Borealis: A Sampling of what a Padawan studies
Aurora Borealis: There is No Emotion, There is Peace
In the pursuit of Knowledge, Just Jedi encourages Jedi to seek beyond the four walls of one place of study. There are many out there, with thousands of members and Jedi to learn from. Take your Journey, seek out knowledge and learn from the various sources presented so that you may one day develop your own structures and standards of Jedi.
Below is a library of writings from other Jedi throughout the Jedi Community.
No matter where you travel.
Members & Leaders of Jediism/Jedi Realism
all believe and follow a common structure of the Force and the spiritual aspect's.