Be Motivated
Pace Your Steps
Just Jedi Training Program is a self motivated practice. There is no time frame, no masters, and no rules save one.
What you put into your training is what you get back.
If you are new to Just Jedi and would like a guide. Kata Kitty will be happy to help!
Simply click on the button below
If you are ready to begin the J.J. Training you can either follow a step by step progression that takes all the core lessons provided here at Just Jedi and puts it into guided program for you to follow.
But if you are more of a Free Stylist that likes to mix things up and do things your own way simply find the subjects below that speaks to you today and do your best! The Categories and Subjects are all in the guided program, just indexed out for easy find and access.
Which ever method you choose is completely up to you! Just Jedi respects and encourages all forms of practice.
Once you find today's lesson remember to study the material, put it into practice and record your results and thoughts within your own student Journal in the Member Journal Area.