A Path to Enlightenment
Is what has been described by more than one person as "ancient religion..". But it is more than that. It is an energy field of sorts, the thread in the weave of time. It binds the galaxy together. A Jedi will learn to control and surrender to the Force.
The greater the Jedi's understanding of the Force, the greater the Jedi. The Force is a natural thing in itself - neither good, nor evil, but capable of being turned either way by those who use it. The two areas of the Force are clearly defined - The Light, and The Dark. Commentary of both will be found in another section. For now, suffice to say that some thought the boundary lines blurred, into a "gray" area where some things were neither Light, nor Dark Side specifically. Unfortunately for at least three Jedi Masters and an unlucky Jedi Knight, they were wrong.Let us now embark into the knowledge that leads us through the Journey of the adepts of the Force.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida"You can search for years and years, through mountains and desert, and you will never find it. That is because it is always with you."
...Jedi Streen
Color Theory - LightsabersHeavenAre you a Jedi? The Ancient Jedi masters knew that Jedi training must proceed at a slow pace. Too much power gathered too quickly can corrupt even the most selfless and devout Jedi apprentice. ... more ...
Even when Knighthood is achieved, it is a difficult life. As a Jedi Knight, you must never forget what you have learned, and never forget who you are even as a Jedi. ... more ... The path to Mastery begins as soon as the path to becoming a Jedi ends. The unknown is near... ... more ...