The reality of your gift is that you do not completely understand it's meaning to you nor it's place in society. The Force is your religion, so all other things in your universe must relate to it in some way. You have to be visual enough to pick up on the clues presented, and creative enough to find a way to correlate it with the Force. This is one way that Star Wars has become a part of our culture, influencing the sayings and actions that occur in our everyday lives. As a Jedi, I know there have been times when you were speaking with a person that you felt you were more intelligent than. You know you could "talk over their head" anytime you felt was necessary. Think back to the times that you set one of your friends up for a joke by prompting them to say something funny or something that probably humiliated them in some way.
The Jedi Mind Trick. This technique occurs when the Jedi "strongly suggest" certain responses into inquiring minds. Whether it is a questioning stormtrooper or a cautious twi'lek, you possess the wittiness to achieve your goal through speech or a sudden touch. The action that comes from creative thought will trigger combinations of power and direction that all adepts want. The Jedi Mind Trick is not a lie, but a tool of energy and deceit. The technique has it's greatest advantages when the situation causes for a concrete answer. When the odds in a beings mind are close, the being will begin to believe one or the other as the conversation or time passes. We use the Force to push their thoughts toward one of the two desired outcomes. The trick not only works with questions, and imagined sounds, but it also works with appearance and mannerisms. Read the Black Fleet Crisis. In this trilogy Luke Skywalker takes on the appearance of Li Stonn. Anytime another being looked at Luke they saw another man with dark hair and a beard. The power of thought can make your reality come true.
In what ways do you fit Star Wars into your reality? You must understand that in order to answer this question you must look at yourself from the outside looking in. Many beings who visit the SW online universe try to bring reality into Star Wars. To do that is very simple, and easy, representing tools of darkness. However it is more difficult to place Star Wars in your reality. Especially with the fear of becoming obsessed with it being reminded to you constantly by non-believers. Once again you will need separation in order to completely answer this question. The dark side of the Force asks for its followers to feel pain for some time in order to have eternal autonomy. This is the only time that an adept will have to be patient. Do you find yourself repeating Lore or quotes from the Trilogy to others in your normal conversations? Are you able to tell what someone is thinking by looking at them and reading their body language or mannerisms? Does your confidence level sometimes reach levels of conceit? These questions must be answered with specific examples and recollection. The emptiness will continue to grow if satisfaction does not occur soon.
The reality of it all is the question that must be answered at some time along your path. What will your role be in the SW universe? What will your role be in reality? Will the two ever intertwine? The more questions you have will lead to answers that in turn will lead to more questions. Remember the paths are always parallel.
Enlighten me when you know.