The “Lightside” and “Darkside” of the Force is most commonly represented in the Star Wars fiction. Jedi served the lightside of the force which represents peace and justice. The Sith on the other hand serve the Darkside of the force which represents selfish intent and evil actions against others.
However. In real time outside of fiction, the Jedi Community has come to question this line of black and white thinking. Over time, it’s become a highly debated and controversial subject which touches not only on human nature but spiritual implications.
Is there really a light and dark “side” of the force? Or is that just simplistic visualization or the human condition?
Universally, it has been decided that the Force doesn't actually have any sides. After is doesn't have a consciousness that can make good or bad decisions to infect it’s spiritual or even scientific makeup.
People. However...People can. People are capable of being good...bad...or a bit of both. But in that case it is the people who should be taking responsibility for their own actions….not blaming it on the Force.
At Just Jedi, we encourage all of our members to determine for themselves what it is they believe. But also to understand why they believe it by doing research, study and practices to determine the stance’s they wish to take and allow for a chance to change their opinions if something new were to present themselves.
Journal Entry: What do you believe? Is there a light or dark side of the force? Why or why not?
Last Edited:
9 20 2020