- 'Your saber against my mind? You haven't a chance.' - Jedi Campion Brodie- 'The blundering armed attacker will likely fallon his blade before I need draw mine.' - Baal Legato
Levels of combat: 'For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence.' -Sun Tzu
The saber is simply the tool with which a Jedi chooses to do combat, but the true core of the saber fight is not fought with a light saber. The saber is really quite incidental to the clashing of wills that takes place in combat.
The greatest of victories comes when you need not even ignite your weapon, but defeat your opponent even before that point. Any brute can throw a punch, but it takes a Jedi to diffuse the situation before her brutish opponent thinks to throw a punch.
- Jedi Lark Kedder