Technique and the Force: Putting it all together
"The Lunge as envisioned by 16th century Jedi Master Capo Ferro."
Let us recap! We have learned the on-guard position, and the basic advance and retreat. We have learned three areas to attack: the head, right side (flank for a right handed saberist) and the left side (chest for right handed saberist). We have also learned four parries to defend against such attacks, one on each side of the body and two for head, again from either side. We have learned the lunge, cross-advance, cross-retreat and reverse on-guard. The following picture shows a fencer in the middle of a cross advance. This could also be a picture of someone going from regular on guard to reverse on guard, the difference being that the cross advance would entail the fighter returning the right foot to the front of the stance, thereby landing in on guard. Whereas, the reverse on guard manoeuvre would entail moving the left foot forward to land with it in front and the right foot in the back, thus the reverse on guard (for a right handed saberist). Switching from on guard to reverse on guard is a stepping motion similar to regular walking (as opposed to "stepping forward", the footwork action), switching the rear foot to the front foot, and vice versa. Always land in a perfect on guard, regardless of which foot goes first (see lesson # 10) and don't stand up, keep your knees bent!
Review these techniques before proceeding!
There are many saber masters who say that you need no more than a good lunge, proper timing and proper focus to land an attack. I agree, but we will learn more anyway! But first, some points to consider:
It is imperative that we practice these techniques until they are like second nature. In fact, the Jedi should be able to let go of his/her conscious self and allow the Force to guide ones actions. Thus, the use of the techniques we have seen so far serve perfectly as practice for feeling the Force. When you can move and react instantly, without thought or worry, then you will be a vessel through which the Force can flow. You will be a more accomplished Jedi as a result, and a better saberist as well!
How do we achieve such mastery? Practice! Practice, then more practice! Once the moves become as second nature, the Force, and through it, you, can use them, but not until then.
Some tips to help:
As in all Martial Arts, breathing is of the utmost importance. You must try to breath deeply, from the diaphragm. Practice lying on your back on the floor, and place a large book on your stomach. As you exhale, the book should rise. Notice that was EXHALE! That is diaphragm breathing. Once you get good at it, try having a friend put their hands on your back above the hip bone, on the 'kidneys'. Good diaphragm breathing will cause this area to expand as you exhale. Another good tip: if your shoulders rise, you are breathing wrong, not to mention tightening up your sword arm(s). If your chest rises, you are breathing wrong, not to mention expanding your target! Practice correct breathing as you practice your saber techniques. Breath out as you finish a move, forward or back, attack or defence. Never hold your breath! Breath sustains life. Life creates the Force. Therefore, breath can help create an awareness of the Force.
The techniques you are practising do not come naturally to many people. It should hurt. Do not banish or ignore the pain. Embrace it. Focus on it. Think about the muscle that is contracting and relax it until you need it. Will the blood into the muscle, and imagine it flushing out the acid that causes the pain. Feel the healing as the micro-tears in the muscle fiber heal. Will it to work faster, but accept the consequences of your practice. It will get better.
Will yourself to be aware of the position of your body at all times. Review a few tips on any particular technique and practice only that. The direction that your toes are pointing, the position of your hands, something specific you can focus on. Make yourself aware of their position without looking at them. Imagine that their is an entity inside you watching you as you watch yourself, aware of you as you are aware of yourself and your actions. This is the Force. It's influence will grow, but first you must be aware of it! Make no mistake, it is aware of you.
Now, to technique!!! Here are some footwork/attack/defence combinations to practice. Remember all the tips, and above all, remain calm, focused and aware. Make only the moves that you intend to make. They will eventually become subconscious, and that it where the Force will dwell!
Let's use some short forms to save space and time:On Guard >>> OGReverse On Guard >>> ROGStep/Advance Forward >>> Step For.Step/Retreat Backwards >>> Step BackCross Advance >>> Cross For.Cross Retreat >>> Cross BackLunge >>> LungeFirst of all, some basic compound foot work exercises:
Step for. >>> Lunge. (hereafter known as step-lunge)
2 Steps for. >>> Lunge (First step slow, then fast Step-Lunge)
Cross step >>> Lunge (hereafter known as cross-lunge)
Cross step >>> step-lunge
ROG >>> OG (regular) >>>step-lunge (the transition from ROG to OG is like a cross-over a step)
ROG >>> Step For (in ROG) >>> OG (regular) >>>step-lunge
These last two are tricky....try them out. It works better in practice than it sounds.Always remember:
Keep low to the ground, knees bent - do not stand up!
establish on guard or reverse OG solidly before not rush!
Go slow at first and when warming up. Mastering and practising the basics will keep you alive!
Now some parry with distance/dodge footwork. These are excellent for tactical fighting (more on the actual mental tactics another day! Lets work the technique first!)
Step back >>> Lunge
Step back >>> Step-Lunge
2 steps back >>> Step-Lunge
2 steps back >>> 2 steps forward >>> Lunge (First step slow, then fast Step -Lunge)
2 slow steps for. >>> 1 quick step back >>> step -lunge.
Cross-back >>> step-lunge.
Stepback >>>cross back >>> step-lunge
Step back >>> Cross back >>> step back >>> step-lunge
Stepback >>>cross back >>> 2 steps forward >>> Lunge (First step slow, then fast Step -Lunge)
As usual, a few tips to remember!
When changing direction, come to a complete two-footed stop, in perfect on guard. Do not change direction until you have balance (in life as well as fencing!)
Always make final actions lightning fast, preparation steps slower (notice that is slowER, not slow!)
Practice all these techniques while attacking different targets: head, chest, flank.
There is lots to work on for next time. Remember both the philosophical and the physical when training. Keep focused on what you are try to achieve: Concentration, Focus, Relaxation, Confidence, Physical fitness, Calmness and Awareness. Mastering the saber is a means to these ends, but one must keep an eye on the destination throughout the journey, even if the destination may never be fully reached!
Finally, beware the dark side: do not become frustrated or angry with yourself if you do not get it at first. Mastering the techniques takes a great deal of time and practice, as does mastering your own emotional reaction. You feelings serve you well, but they could be used against you! Be patient!
As usual, I welcome any and all comments, questions or concern about my teachings!Yours in the Force,