This weeks guest instructor is: McGrif
The Darkside's Speech
"Obi-wan has taught you well... You have controlled your fear. Now, release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me!" ~Darth Vader *The Empire Strikes Back*
You wished life was easy for you, don't you? You wish you could wake up every morning, look out your window and say, "It's going to be a beautiful day."
But we all know that sooner or later, The Darkside drifts in the air around you and tells you, "Don't hide your fear and your anger from me. Let it all out." You've heard this when you experience death in the family; When someone wants to start a fight with you; When you pay your taxes and find out half your paycheck is missing. "Give in to your fear and your anger" It will tell you over and over again. The questions you want to know is....
A. When is the Darkside going to tell you this?
B. How can I block the Darkside from telling you this?
C. How can I keep the darkside from telling me this?
Most of the time, you're not going to know when the Darkside is going to tell you this. I don't even have to describe it to you. Something bad happens to you, you're brain picks out the bad thoughts, your fear kicks in, your anger rages and pretty soon you're doing something you'll regret 24 hours from then. But that's not it. When the darkside tells you this, you could be having the time of your life. You could be the happiest person on the planet at that time. Next time, take a good look. From the time your so happy, to the time when your life is about to get bad. Watch your reaction.
Blocking what the darkside tells you is not an easy task. For that you need help. The Force is your alley. I've seen it perform miracles just when I thought life was going to get tough. What's special about the force is that you don't know exactly when it's going to help you. You just know that it's going to help you. You could be experiencing death in the family and you're heartbroken and a couple of years later, you open your front door and see a kitten on your doorstep. Or how about when your in a middle of a fight at school, the principal rushes over and pulls you both into the principal's office. The force is going to do something. And when it does....Stand back and watch.
Unfortunately, you can't keep the darkside from telling you this. It is going to try to to destroy your life. It will not stop until you have surrendered or you are dead. can tranquilize his effect on you. You can think of happy thoughts while you're in a tough situation. You can sing. can practice all what you have learned as a Jedi knight. The only way a Jedi Survives is if that Jedi knows the four corners of his weapon.
Respect &
Only then..... What ever the Darkside tells you....
..will soon be silenced.