1. Shawn Taiwone (Knighted)
2. Jack Troutman (Knighted)
3. Snips Evans (Knighted)
1. Sith Lord Miles Robinson (Wealth Management. Podcast Panel & The Glass Bead Game)
2. Alethea Thompson (Inner City Meditation, Force Realists Philosophy, Jedi Sextant, and Search & Rescue Workshops)
3. Gabriel Calderon (Shamanic Journey)
4. Lady of the Sith Luciana Dawnstar (The Dark Side of the Force In Judeo-Christian Mysticism & The Glass Bead Game)
5. Michael Hannigan (Podcast Panel)
6. Stacy Smith (Radio & Log Operations for Searh & Rescue)
7. Talon McDonald (Army Doctrine on Evaluating a Casualty for Search & Rescue Workshop)
Nathan Thompson
Other Attendants
1. Alan Wilson
2. Alex Klein
3. Aimee Rambharos
4. Ben Fitzpatrick
5. Bulldog
6. Chris Schinestuhl
7. Crystal Neumann
8. Denise Barone
9. Inky Killey
10. Gemma (youngling)
11. Jason Gonzalez
12. Jay Rolla Calderon
13. Jeremy Cowan
14. Karina Diaz
15. Leo Dorsey
16. Matthew Taylor
17. Momento Mori
18. Nicole Lillard
19. Ross Greenberg
20. Samuel Conver
21. Tiffany Thorn
22. Tywla (youngling)
23. Vicki Evans
Surprise Guest:
Force Academy Shadow Master Raven
I was honored to be a part of this and look forward to future Gatherings. The workshops were awesome! I was in great company with Shawn T. and of course the wonderful Snips!!!