You might have heard the statement “Human beings are creatures of habit.” and this is true. Habit's, are a series of behaviors and actions that get repeated over and over again and they develop based on our life experiences, the things we are exposed to, those small and big influences that determine how you, as an individual, act in your everyday normal lives.
As a child you develop a habit of routine, influenced and set upon you by your parents. These routines are meant to give you a healthy start on life (And to give your parents a bit of sanity along the way ;) )
At first, these behaviors of routine can be difficult to learn and adapt to. Like waking up at 6am in the morning every day to get your kid off to school, or you off to work. But once you develop a habit from repeated practice, your conscious mind hands the duty of remembrance, willpower and training over to your subconscious mind and it slowly becomes a natural reaction, so ingrained that it just becomes a natural behavior. It may even feel as if you have no control over these habits, or is a thing you cannot live without. Smoking...for example.
No matter how automatic these habits have become in your life, they all started with a Conscious Mind. A time when you decided to take part in the action and repeat the process until it was handed off onto the Subconscious Mind.
Habits can be good and wholesome to your lifestyle, like developing a habit to exercise and eating healthy. Meditation Routines, or even that little hobby you enjoy that lifts your spirit such as writing, collections, art, gardening, or hiking the trails. Or they can be bad, bringing stress, pain and poor health into your lifestyle.
Just like any habit learned, however. You can consciously choose to replace the habit with a new one, or let it fade from lack of use. For, just like with anything in life...if left alone and forgotten, it will fade from memory. But you must first make a conscious decision to act upon it, and repeat the process until it nestles safely into your subconscious mind.
As Jedi, we train and learn self discipline In order to create healthy habits that will benefit our minds, bodies and spirit as well as set the foundations that will allow us in helping others do the same.
Journal Entry: What are some good habits you currently have? What are some not so good ones you want to re-train? How about some you hope to develop in the future?
Last Edited:
Oct 13 2020
By Camille David on Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 9:12pm